Bat Encounter Protocols for Households

Encountering a bat in or around your home can be unsettling. Having a clear plan on how to respond is important for the safety of your family and can help you handle these situations safely and effectively. This article provides a step-by-step guide for families to follow if they encounter a bat in their living spaces.

Step 1: Stay Calm and Keep a Safe Distance

If you find a bat in your home, remain calm. Keep children and pets away from the bat to avoid any potential harm.

Step 2: Isolate the Area

Close doors to the room where the bat is located, but leave a window open to allow it an exit if it’s inside.

Step 3: Avoid Direct Contact

Avoid direct contact with the bat. Never attempt to touch or capture the bat with your hands, even if it appears to be dead or injured.Ensure pets and children are kept away from the bat and are not at risk of exposure.

Step 4: Contact Wildlife Professionals

Call local animal control or a professional wildlife removal service to safely remove the bat from your home. They are trained to safely remove bats.

Step 5: Post-Encounter Inspection

After the bat is removed, inspect your home for entry points that the bat might have used and seal them to prevent future encounters.

Step 6: Post-Encounter Cleaning

After the bat has been removed, clean the area with appropriate disinfectants to ensure no contamination remains.

Step 7: Health Check

If there was any possibility of direct contact with the bat, particularly if a bite or scratch occurred, seek medical advice immediately.

Step 8: Educate Your Family

Discuss the experience with your family. Educate them about the importance of bats and how to safely respond to future encounters.


Being prepared and knowing what to do when encountering a bat can ensure the safety of your family. A clear set of actions can significantly reduce the stress and potential risks associated with bat encounters in households.

  • Learn how to safely handle a bat encounter in your home with this clear, step-by-step guide. It offers practical advice to ensure your family’s safety, outlining effective measures to take when a bat enters your living space.